Monday, 27 June 2016

Dan:  this seems a particularly 'grim' assessment of our situation: the brain caught in a process of constantly seeking new 'experience'(sensations) from a "dead centre" without a seeming ending. Much like an addiction, but not to any object, but to the process itself...Is this the description of the (overworked) 'analyser' that you often mentions?:

Hello Dan, I saw this a good while ago and I just come back to it now...

To answer my ways this yes it is some  of it indeed. It is not easy to go into that by all means, because there are many angles to go into that and most won't bring anything at all but more blah blah so not only will be useless but will bring more problems, well if it is at all possible :-))...saying that for myself....

I agree with you when you bring this "addiction to the process itself"...agreed with the grim assessment too..

I had this vision ( involuntary as usual of course)  of this analyser-analysing program which took the symbolic form of a now rusty square iron machine, equipped with an infinite number of fishing rods and this machine does one main thing: it constantly keep trying to catch anything with its hook...

it is mechanical, automatic, and....random !! desire or the will to gain personal "goodies" is the main incentive of this machine..when I remove such an incentive what takes place ? Self pride and self adorations are incentives too, desire is at the root and self pride at the end...all this makes though function...and after tons of causes and effect reactions it ends up in our world, to be seen for ALL what it is an not from a specific angle.

but as we feel it, sense it or see it, it has a down side...I say it with no proof but I know it for myself that this is meant to take place....we just  have lost touch with that and so many other things...our machines and complex calculation make us think that we are progressing( true about those aspects)  when we are globally declining very damaging I say but most do not say so.

etc of course, this is the analyser program which is  used to write here too...

this bring  this questions: where am I ( are we) speaking from ? facts? experiences? imagination? hope? fear? lies? etc etc

there is this machine used here by "me" to write and the background it refers to ...

Usually the machine and its memory component is the background from which I speak, write, think, evaluates, kill, steal  etc etc it is both sort of the analyser and the analysed , the machine and what it does is both...

this is fine to avoid falling from the cliffs, because there is a separation, "me" is not the cliff nor the quick sand, not the deadly pond , not the fire etc ,..this allows some analysing of the situation to take place, the proper analysing sees that and adjust its walk to avoid the falling....

me and the environment are two elements..this is vital to move and more it where this "me" takes place ??

again the memory can be facts or not, the past ones as well as what the future must be...if it speaks from facts the re-transcription of it will loose some of it in the possible writing and some of it in the reception of the well as some of it in my own special ways to read it...

etc... so back to the grim assessment, the analyser..the analyser is globally and permanently in a state of deep frustration and discontentment at the thinks that this is life, it is a conclusion it has, it is based on....nothing at all !!

it may not be aware of it anymore ,as now it sees all that as an inevitable fact of being alive, part of life, helped by a very old propaganda from the thieves leading us with our acceptance, whether through imaginary religion or whatever ..

If so, then what I write here is a total nonsense to anyone in that case ....apparently, not to forget what now has become not conscious for what is left of our brain, and this is forgotten unless one has some time with that , somehow.

If not so, then we ( global)  may keep some exchange on that.

The analyser is frustrated, in fear and much more, full of hopes but that is for tomorrow not an actuality, and out of a spark of intelligence ( global always) it says : *this is not life* !! "it" knows it, deeply , it is sure of it !! it does not listen to anyone!! etc it does not know the root of that, of course at first it is not seeking for that at all as it attempts to run....bit by bit all pain is increasing..wrong way sense  the still totally lost saying this is not life, thought is questioning life as it knows it itself !!! that a big huge move...

then, another spark of global intelligence is there so apparently out of the blue but it is not as such, under the pressure of its life that it now does not accept as such so starts questioning life itself, whatever the consequences will be it now stops searching let's say for 10 seconds, meaning it stops working as a rotten machine....this stop, if real and deep even for a second will be enough to allow some other capacity to start functioning again , AS THEY WISH, according to their own "program" , John wrote something about that in another thread..this I know as a factual experiments.

So what takes place here is: I need as   I want to solve this frustration, and much worse...I do not accept at all this has being what a human life is...the analyser is still involved at this stage..

this is is clear with oneself...."I" does not have the answer but the firm aim is there...whatever the consequences are...

And here the analyser may , somehow, reach its own limits, and seeing it it will accept to stop analysing...

Without all suffering for me this will never take place...

Suffering is not suffering, this is only an analytical false interpretation, it is a teacher........!!!! and contains an application which paralyses the work of the analyser under some conditions I try to evoke here..

But yes as you say the machine seeks news experiences all the time because it functions that way...because it is a machine, so is mechanical, automatic ,etc If I resist that like "I" resist to most things I rejected , bit by bit I am drowning ..deeper and deeper...

no bliss, no relief, no peace weird energy, no other processes turned on etc

Good enough as a child and yet, this machine is not good enough as an adult...unless of course one accepts life as being a suffering, you said before that you don't if I am correct ?  and a bit of joy with sex ,alcohol, drugs and sun or whatever like money-power or whatever pleases one....what takes place when much older then ?? ..when death cannot be postponed indefinitely any more ?

when the continuity cannot be search for?? Life as so far lived totally collapses..

so the analyser will keep searching for new means to attempt to again run away ...from what its analytical process wants to discard , not to exist, even if many are facts...and rush to the other side where its choices are...

Best luck next time ,as John puts it sometimes ;-)

All this brings what I am trying to say which is all this considered, "I" am now reaching the moment where I may, at last, and this "at last" already contains relief in some sort of already goodness,so  the moment where I may  be in the position, having tried all tricks known to me, to stop all search because I see in another spark of global intelligence that all what I have done is "bullshit" , useless, stupid, nonsensical  etc

my misery, **whatever it is**,  is there and I am my misery , it is one and single element...not two like  the analyser which divides as a principle of its functioning sees...

back to k, the analyser is the analysed... but when I analyse the cliff and the possible fall, the analyser is not the analysed...

this is why such problem is never solved analytically because it, the analyser, thought, me , oneself, myself  etc... sees two where there is one.... in most when not in all mental fields there is always one....the analytical division here must never take place and Mother Nature indirectly tells us this by  using means to say this is wrong ,but we call it pain and analytically reject it, we reject this only help we will ever have is my view...

again analysing is vital to physically is a deadly killer when it is not about that...

On this path or route or way or whatever, I start seeing that it possibly had never been about survival as a root..the root is about a proper functioning of "everything" ..the analytical process included...

the analyser alone cannot see that....

heaven helps those who help themselves....seems quite a fact then...but this if taken as a guaranty to take place will , of course , never take it never can be "used"....

there is no room for the analyser in many aspects of being alive....

as usual etc....

as , as you know we could go on for days....


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